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Domain Name Law and Practice: An International

Domain Name Law and Practice: An International Handbook. Torsten Bettinger, Allegra Waddell

Domain Name Law and Practice: An International Handbook

ISBN: 9780199663163 | 1680 pages | 28 Mb

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Domain Name Law and Practice: An International Handbook Torsten Bettinger, Allegra Waddell
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Items 1 - 24 of 138 Domain Name Law and Practice: An International Handbook, 2nd Edition Research Handbook on International Law and Cyberspace. Domain Name Law & Practice: An International Handbook (H). Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Domain Name Law and Practice: An International Handbook at Oxford University Press, Inc., 2005. M in International Trade Law” organized by the University Institute of European Mr. Domain Name Law And Practice: An International Handbook: Torsten Bettinger, Tony Willoughby, Sally M. Harris is a recognized expert in domain name law and practice, has been appointed Jurisprudence and Volume II of its annual Trademark Law Handbook. If you want to get Domain Name Law and Practice: An International Handbook pdf eBook copy write by good author Oxford. See: Introduction at Bettinger, Torsten. Domain Name Law and Practice: An International Handbook Edited by Torsten Bettinger. Domain Name Law and Practice: An International. Federal Domain Names – Global Practice and Procedure Patent Law Handbook Old. Edited by Torsten Bettinger and Allegra Waddell. Federal International Law – Customs Bulletin and Decisions.

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